Brazil is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world who want to explore the country’s breathtaking landscapes, beaches, cities and cultural sights. Places like Rio de Janeiro , the Iguaçu Falls , tha Amazon rainforest and the beaches of Florianópolis attract millions of visitors every year.
Food & Drinks
Vatapá: A thick dish of bread, prawns, coconut milk, peanuts and dendê oil that is often served in Bahia.
Travel time
The Brazilian summer (Verão) lasts from December to February. Autumn (Outono) lasts from March to May. Winter (Inverno) lasts from June to August and spring (Primavera) from September to November. The rainy season in Brazil generally lasts from around November to April.
The dry season from June to November is the ideal time to visit the Amazon region, as it rains less during these months and the animals are easier to observe when they gather at the waterholes. The dry season also offers better conditions for exploring and hiking in the rainforest.
The best time to visit the Pantanal is from May to September, during the dry season. During these months, the water level drops and the conditions for observing animals are ideal, as the animals retreat to the remaining waterholes. There is little rain and temperatures are between 20 and 30 °C.
The rainy season lasts from March to August with short but heavy showers that make the climate humid. Nevertheless, the north-east is a popular holiday destination all year round, as there are rarely long periods of rain and warm temperatures prevail even during the rainy season.
May to September is the best time to travel for city breaks and exploring the south-east, as there is less rain and the temperatures are a pleasant 18 to 25 °C. These months are also ideal for hikes and excursions into the highlands of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.